The Centre for Spiritual Living

The Centre for Spiritual Living is a registered charity affiliated with the Teachings of Science of Mind (or Religious Science, as it is sometimes called). Science of Mind is a philosophy developed by Dr Ernest Holmes in the early 20th Century.

Using the ‘Science of Mind Principles’ we explain about the forces that determine your ultimate destiny and how you can be in charge of your life. Although we draw from the wisdom of the ages, we are not a ‘closed’ system; just as the human kind, our philosophy grows and evolves.

Through the courses that we offer, you’ll learn how to take charge of your life by understanding how powerful your thoughts are, how you create your reality and how you can change your life by consciously changing your thinking.

Anyone can enjoy success, abundance, loving relationships and more, regardless of their past or present circumstances, using the Science of Mind principles!

The Centre for Spiritual Living