Welcome to The Centre for Spiritual Living

If you, like the majority of people, are looking for a greater expression of happiness and success and a way to fulfill your heart’s desires, then, you may have found what you were looking for!

WelcomeWhatever your dreams: vibrant health, loving relationships, greater prosperity and financial success or enhanced peace of mind, more confidence… I know that there is a way to achieve this and live a rich and rewarding life.

It is my belief that each of us is traveling a unique spiritual journey and once we realize that, life becomes full of exciting possibilities.

The Centre for Spiritual Living (Science of Mind UK) is a Spiritual Organization for people who wish to empower themselves. We teach and help others to awaken to the magnificence of life and to the infinite power that resides within each of us.

I invite you to look around this site and explore our philosophy; you’ll be glad you did!

With love and blessings
Rev Anya Slatter

PS. If you liked the film ‘The Secret’, you’ll love our philosophy!

The Centre for Spiritual Living