Science of Mind Classes

Courses for practical use of the Science of Mind teachings to achieve your desires

Why take classes?

Although we might not always be aware of it, nothing happens in our lives by chance. Our thoughts, beliefs, fears and feelings all act like a magnet to attract our circumstances to us.

In our courses and classes you will learn the way the Universe works, according to spiritual principles, and your connectedness to an infinite power which you can use for your greater good.

This infinite power has been called by many names throughout the eons of time – such as: Universal Intelligence, Creator, Cosmic Mind, Spirit, God, and by many other names… The name is not important and no one needs to be religious to enjoy the benefits of the principles of Science of Mind. All you’ll need is to be open minded, ready, and eager to transform your life!

You will be taught ‘tools’ to help you create the lives of your dreams, and by doing so, you will be actually helping towards creating a better world for everyone.

One of these tools we call ‘affirmative prayer’, or  ‘Spiritual Mind Treatment’, which is a 5 step process whereby we align our conscious mind with the abundant good that permeates the whole of the universe and once in that state of ‘being’ we call forth the desired good that we wish to experience. In other words, just like if the cosmos was a giant warehouse, we can order our good. Not only can this good be material wealth, some people also order great health, peace of mind, confidence, loving relationships and success of any kind. Your imagination is the limit.

Basically you will learn how to create the life of your choice, through practical methods that will expand your consciousness.

For details about the Science of Mind Courses we offer Click here

The Centre for Spiritual Living